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Focus is the Editorial by President Paolo Petroni published in the magazine Civiltà della Tavola

Data Focus
April 2020

The Academy’s vitality

Despite the difficult situation that we are living through, the Academy isn’t stopping. 

March 2020

The will to start again with renewed vigour

This state of affairs will end. Let us wait patiently. 

February 2020

Pizza: a mixed blessing for Italian cuisine

Italian cuisine abroad is often represented by pizza, and in Italy too it is offered by many restaurants and even a few prize-winning chefs.

January 2020

Food waste: an overblown problem

After the holiday season, the problem of phony estimates arises.

December 2019

New York, like California, bans the sale of foie gras

In Italy, as in most European countries, its production is forbidden, but unfortunately not its sale.

November 2019

American tariffs harm some of our exports

The wailing, however, appears excessive.

October 2019

The feedbag generation

Inexorable compromise between taste and convenience.

September 2019

From an elite conception to the world’s largest Academy

Academicians’ contribution is essential to our mission’s development. 

July 2019

Dark clouds over Italian cuisine

Misleading ‘traffic light labels’; European goods threatened with hefty tariffs by the USA: just a few of the grave dangers menacing the ‘Made in Italy’ brand.

June 2019

Jamie Oliver’s empire collapses

A symptom of disaffection with restaurant chains.

May 2019

Momentous transformations in the restaurant world

A silent revolution, surely detrimental to the traditional domains of food.

April 2019

Waiter! Excuse me!

Service is becoming a real problem for many restaurants.