The Italian Academy of Cuisine is a special interest cultural institution of the Italian Republic founded by Orio Vergani in Milan on July 29, 1953, and subsequently publically registered on June 8, 1988 under the same name. It was then listed with the Prefecture of Milan in the register of legal entities on July 4, 2001. Its mission is to protect the traditions of Italian cuisine, and promote and encourage its improvement in Italy and abroad. The Italian Academy of Cuisine is a private association recognized as a non-profit, non-political and non-ideological legal entity inspired by the democratic principle of full access for all. It pursues its goals through the unhampered work of its governing and regional/territorial bodies along with its Academicians in Italy and abroad.
Art. 1) This Code of Ethics represents the values that are at the foundation of the Academy’s actions and activities. These values must be recognized, accepted and shared by every participant at every level of the Academy’s structure. They should inform the actions of all those who act in the name of the Academy, both in terms of internal and external relations. The principles and arrangements of the Code of Ethics are binding for all Academicians. The creation of this Code is voluntary on the part of the Academy. It is subject to monitoring, revision and update according to the internal organizational evolution and both internal and external norms.
Art. 2) The behavioral ethics identified with an Academician are:
a) Equity and equality: the Academy guarantees equal treatment of all Academicians, and focuses on inhibiting any form of discrimination based on age, sex, race, religion, nationality, Delegation belonged to or political orientation.
b) Loyalty and respect: the Academy requires from its members loyal collaboration among Academicians, a spirit of service, mutual respect and a sense of belonging to the association.
c) Impartiality: Academicians are called upon to behave with objectivity, impartiality, courtesy and attention both among themselves and with anyone associated with Academic activities, without favoritism or discrimination of any kind.
Art. 3) Academicians should avoid situations that may conflict with the organization’s norms and goals. In addition, any situation that could potentially result in a conflict of interest, not only economic, with those of the Academy should be immediately communicated to the President’s Council, which will evaluate the nature and extent of the conflict with possible private interests.
Art. 4) Academicians are required to:
a) Carry out their responsibilities and functions in a spirit of service and with respect due the honor of their titles.
b) Behave with integrity, loyalty and a sense of responsibility towards the Academy and the Academicians.
c) Not make improper use of news and information acquired through their position or as Academicians.
In addition to abiding by the norms of the Statute and By-laws of the Academy as well as the decisions taken by any governing body of the Academy, Academicians are required to:
1. Be willing to collaborate upon request, need or utility with the governing bodies to facilitate Academic goals.
2. Maintain a decorous and courteous conduct with other Academicians and non-Academicians consistent with the spirit of friendship and loyalty that inspire Academic life.
Art. 5) The Academy opposes any form of mistreatment of animals, be they farm raised, bred, or hunted (including fish, crustaceans and mollusks) and adheres to the European Convention on the protection of farm animals, whose principles regard the capture, nutrition and appropriate attention to the needs of these animals. The Academy prohibits the gastronomic use of endangered species as provided for in European and national legislation. It also is opposed to the wasting of food.
Art. 6) The Arbitration Board is responsible for all duties regarding the Code of Ethics as well as those already stipulated by the Charter and Bylaws.
Art. 7) This Code of Ethics, proposed by the President’s Council, was approved by the Academic Council. All decisions, modifications or additions to the current Code of Ethics must be approved by the President’s Council and deliberated by the Academic Council.