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Virtual round table to prepare for the VIII Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World 2023

A virtual round table was held on 22 March to prepare for the Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World 2023. The meeting was called by Councillor Andrea Canepari of the Foreign Ministry’s Directorate General for Country Promotion to gather initial suggestions about the event scheduled for 13-19 November 2023. Councillor Canepari, an Honorary Academician for Roma Nomentana, effusively thanked President Paolo Petroni for his important work and congratulated him on the Academy’s seventy-year milestone.
Over 100 public and private organisations joined the virtual meeting. The Academy was represented by Secretary-General Roberto Ariani, who noted how participation in this worldwide initiative has become an established item on our foreign Delegations’ and Legations’ annual calendars. The Secretary-General then emphasised that the VIII edition’s theme, "At the table with Italian cuisine: Health with Taste" expresses the importance of good food for physical health, especially for athletes who will give testimonials during the event.
