The Academy rewards the Ambassadors of Taste (Mariella Caruso)
Voyage from Artusi to Adrià (Antonio Gaddoni)
Precious health-giving foods (Nicola Barbera)
On the eve of the Delegates’ Assembly (Paolo Petroni) CULTURE & RESEARCH
Have you ever eaten hemp? (Giuseppe Trompetto)
“Cooking is a science: it’s up to the cook to make it an art” (Angelo Tamburini)
Water footprint (Gianni Porzi)
Investigating the origin of trifle (Rosella Middleton)
The Academy must be ready for the challenges of the third millennium (Paolo Petroni) ACADÉMIE INTERNATIONALE DE LA GASTRONOMIE
Prizes awarded by the Académie Internationale de la Gastronomie CULTURE & RESEARCH
Tobacco in the kitchen (Giovanni Ballarini)
Falling stars (Arcadio Damiani)
Chemistry in the kitchen (Angelo Tamburini)
Gualtiero Marchesi and Paul Bocuse are gone (Paolo Petroni) CULTURE & RESEARCH
They only get it right in Naples (Claudio Novelli)
Chicory, a versatile vegetable (Publio Viola)
Home-delivered food: pros and cons (Andrea Cesari de Maria)
Youth and the Academy (Paolo Petroni) “FRANCO MARENGHI” STUDY CENTRE
The Academy as a driving force (Silvia De Lorenzo) CULTURE & RESEARCH
Guilty parties (Andrea Cesari de Maria)
Christmas food: a gift and a marvel (Adriana Liguori Proto)
Fine powders (Elisabetta Cocito)
FOCUS Mystery on a plate (Paolo Petroni) ACADEMIC COUNCIL In Trieste, “where beauties abound of both land and sky” (Silvia De Lorenzo) CULTURE & RESEARCH Reflections on today’s cuisine (Roberto Robazza) The “chemist’s menu” (Antonio Ravidà) The colours of nature at the table (Rosalia Sorce)
FOCUS The Academy must be responsive to current issues (Paolo Petroni) “FRANCO MARENGHI” STUDY CENTRE A very close-knit group (Silvia De Lorenzo) CULTURE & RESEARCH Travelling through Italy (Elisabetta Cocito) Le Monde forgets Italian cheeses (Gianni Limberti)
FOCUS Where is our chicken pepper stew? (Paolo Petroni) CULTURE & RESEARCH Cookbots? No thanks (Gigi Padovani) Carême and the feel for opportunity (Claudio Novelli) A buen retiro in Uruguay (Felice Modica) The cinta senese pig: a recovered heritage breed (Ettore Falvo)
FOCUS We have lost a legend of world cuisine (Paolo Petroni) CULTURE & RESEARCH Encouraging the young (Silvia De Lorenzo) A literary fish (Adriana Liguori Proto) Sea fennel (Giancarlo Burri)
FOCUS Arrigo Cipriani: a sensationally ‘contrarian’ interview (Paolo Petroni) ACADEMIC ADVISORY COUNCIL A decidedly encouraging final balance (SDL) “FRANCO MARENGHI” STUDY CENTRE Let’s talk food (Silvia De Lorenzo) CULTURE & RESEARCH The pleasure of being at table (Nicola Barbera) Orthorexia: a new type of eating disorder (Gianni Di Giacomo)
FOCUS A Delegates’ forum dedicated to all Academicians (Paolo Petroni) DELEGATES’ FORUM An event with highly timely themes (Silvia De Lorenzo) CULTURE & RESEARCH When tradition safeguards future health (Gerlando Davide Schembri) On the labelling of extra-virgin olive oil (Mauro Gaudino)